What Happened to Grade B Maple Syrup? | Bascom Maple Farms

Maple Syrup Grades

What Happened to Grade B Maple Syrup? Overview Guide to Maple Syrup Grades Do All Grades of Maple Syrup Taste the Same? What Maple Syrup Grades Are Available for Bulk Order? What Happened to Grade B Maple Syrup?

Maple Syrup Grades

What Happened to Grade B Maple Syrup?

Due to the confusion surrounding the old grading system, the maple industry along with the International Maple Syrup Institute implemented a new grading in 2015. This collaboration created a universal system that removes confusion and assures the consumer is receiving a consistent product.

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Just like the old system, the new system is based on flavor and color. The difference is the terminology we use.

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Wondering How the Old Grades Line Up with the New? Take a Look.

You can see the confusion we had with just Grade B. While the U.S. system referred to it as Grade B, the Canadian system called it No. 2 Amber. Different regions in the U.S. and Canada also had other names for it.

Fortunately, the new system gets us all on the same page and ends any confusion at the shelf.

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